再発例の⼿術Repeat MVD

Reclaiming Smiles: The Intricate Journey Through Repeat Microvascular Decompression Surgery

Redo microvascular decompression (MVD) for hemifacial spasm (HFS) and trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) represents one of the most intricate challenges in neurosurgery, far more complex than initial interventions. The difficulty arises not just from navigating the delicate structures but from the compounded challenges presented by previous surgical attempts.


Key Challenges

Adherent Cerebellar Surface:

The healing process following the initial surgery can lead to scarring, which causes the cerebellum to adhere to surrounding structures, obscuring clear access to the compression site.

Altered Anatomy:

The presence of previously inserted Teflon pads, intended to prevent nerve compression, complicates the anatomy further. These pads, along with any displacement of anatomical structures, make navigation and identification of critical areas more challenging.

Vulnerable Cranial Nerves:

Cranial nerves, potentially compromised or damaged during the initial surgery, present a rising risk. Their identification and preservation become significantly more complex amidst the altered landscape.

Teflon Mass and Facial Nerve Identification:

Distinguishing the cranial nerve within the mass of Teflon and scar tissue requires exceptional skill and precision, as the nerve is crucial for facial movement or sensation of the face.

The cumulative effect of these challenges means that repeat MVD is akin to navigating the complexities of advanced skull base surgery. It carries an increased risk of cranial nerve injuries and demands a nuanced understanding of the altered surgical field. Moreover, the presence of Teflon felt from the previous surgery complicates the path to decompressing facial nerve, underscoring the surgery's complexity and the delicate balance required to restore function.

While MVD is often perceived as a simple procedure, approximately 10-20% of patients present with complex anatomical conditions that necessitate advanced surgical techniques. For those whose initial surgeries have not yielded success, the choice between undergoing a more daunting repeat surgery or living with HFS/TGN for the rest of their lives poses a significant dilemma.

Our center proudly serves patients from across the globe, including those approaching us for their initial treatment and individuals in search of hope following unsuccessful surgeries elsewhere. Our commitment is deeply rooted in the precision of repeat MVD surgeries. Each procedure is performed with the utmost precision, expertise, and an unwavering dedication to our patients' well-being. We are privileged to be part of our patients' journeys towards regaining their smiles and the normalcy of their lives, offering a beacon of hope for conditions once deemed irreversible. Our success is not merely quantified by the number of procedures we execute but by the positive impact we have on the lives of those we serve, guiding each patient along the intricate path towards healing and recovery.

Redo MVD for HFS

Potential reasons for failure and recurrence in microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2023 Dec;165(12):3845-3852. Inoue T, Goto Y, Inoue Y, Adidharma P, Prasetya M, Fukushima T.

Redo MVD for TGN

Redo surgery for trigeminal neuralgia: reasons for re-exploration and long-term outcomes. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2021 Sep;163(9):2407-2416. Inoue T, Shitara S, Goto Y, Prasetya M, Radcliffe L, Fukushima T.

Illustrative Case

case01.Missing True Vascular Compression, 4th MVD, Left.

A determined woman from Spain, after three unsuccessful MVD surgeries, sought hope at Koto Memorial Hospital. Previous attempts had left the true compressing artery unaddressed, obscured by Teflon mass and scar tissue. Facing her fourth surgery, her surgeon encountered unprecedented challenges. This operation, marked by extreme intricacy, finally revealed and corrected the elusive artery, highlighting the importance of the initial intervention.

After 3 Failed MVDs

After 4th MVD at KMH

OP Video


Bridge Technique

Article : https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00701-021-05006-8

Video : https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S2590139723000066-mmc1.mp4

case02.Persistent Teflon Contact, 3rd MVD, Left

She underwent two unsuccessful microvascular decompression surgeries in Dubai, which resulted in loss of hearing on the left side and temporary issues with hoarseness and swallowing difficulties. A large Teflon pad, used in the surgeries, was placed on the nerve root, leading to persistent stimulation of the nerve and worsening her facial spasms. The prolonged contact with the Teflon pad placed during the initial surgery has caused persistent nerve stimulation, resulting in a complex and challenging treatment course.

After 2 Unsuccessful MVDs

Inten & Continuous spasm

After 3rd MVD at KMH

Post OP 1 month (mirror image)

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case03.Missing Compression & Teflon contact, 2nd MVD, Right

In a previous surgery in Japan, Teflon placement near the nerve root did not relieve her symptoms due to an incorrect craniotomy limiting access to the compressed nerve area. In a redo surgery at our hospital, the craniotomy was enlarged and adjusted, allowing for clear visualization and successful repositioning of the compressing artery, leading to a successful outcome.

OP Video


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 脳神経外科 井上靖章医師(nadogaya.neurosurgery@gmail.com)

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Koto Memorial HospitalWebSite
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Soseikai General HospitalWebSite
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Nadogaya hospitalWebSite
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Shida Memorial Neurosurgery ClinicWebSite
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Andalusia HospitalWebSite Alexandria, Egypt
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