三叉神経痛Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is caused by vascular compression on the nerve. The compression may be caused by veins, arachnoid adhesion, and tumors. To obtain good operative result, it is crucial to establish a solid diagnosis for the neuralgia. 3D reconstruction from MRI and CT images precisely depict the relation between the nerve and adjacent vessels, resulting in safe and effective microvascular decompression surgery.

Treatment Choice

The two treatment modalities for trigeminal neuralgia are microvascular decompression and Gamma Knife surgery. Microvascular decompression is the ideal treatment as it removes the responsible vessel(s) away from the nerve. The procedure can be done through a small key hole, so the patient recovers quickly after the surgery. For patients with general anesthesia difficulty, Gamma Knife is used for treatment.

Rare cases of trigeminal neuralgia

I have had rare causes of trigeminal neuralgia among a large number of treated cases as follows.

  1. 太い動脈 (椎骨動脈・脳底動脈) による圧迫
    Large arteries such as the vertebral and basilar artery
  2. 静脈の接触による三叉神経痛
  3. くも膜の癒着による三叉神経痛
    Adhesion by the arachnoid membrane
  4. 腫瘍の圧迫による三叉神経痛
    Tumor compression such as Schwannoma, Meningioma, and Epidermoid Cyst
  5. 再発
    Recurrent cases
  6. 先天奇形・異常に伴う三叉神経痛
    Developmental anomaly

case01.Trigeminal Neuralgia : Typical arterial case

67 F
Severe facial pain lasting over 5 years on the right side of her face.
Microvascular decompression with precise preoperative diagnosis relieved her pain without any complication.


Intraoperative findings

case02.Trigeminal Neuralgia : vein

Compression by vein may cause trigeminal neuralgia. Small veins are often not seen on normal MRI sequence.
Enhanced MRI with precise analysis is required.
Trigeminal neuralgia for more than 20 years.
No definite diagnosis was made in other hospital.
Our precise diagnosis revealed the implication of vein upon the trigeminal nerve. The culprit vein was coagulated and divided, resulting in complete pain relief.
Diagnosis and management for trigeminal neuralgia caused solely by venous compression.
Inoue T, Hirai H, Shima A, Suzuki F, Fukushima T, Matsuda M.

Petrosal Vein Involvement in Neurovascular Conflict in Trigeminal Neuralgia: Surgical Technique and Clinical Outcomes.
Inoue T, Shitara S, Goto Y, Prasetya M, Fukushima T.

52 F
Trigeminal neuralgia for more than 20 years.
No definite diagnosis has not been made in other hospital.
Our precise diagnosis revealed the implication of vein upon the trigeminal nerve. The culprlit vein was coagulated and divided, resulting in complete pain relief.

case03.Trigeminal Neuralgia : vertebrobasilar artery

78 F
Severe facial pain on the left side.
Dolichoectasic basilar artery compressed the trigeminal nerve. Microvascular decompression successfully relieved her pain.
Microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia attributable to the vertebrobasilar artery: decompression technique and significance of separation from the nerve root. Inoue T, Shitara S, Goto Y, Prasetya M, Fukushima T.

case04.Trigeminal Neuralgia : developmental malformation

38 M
Trigeminal neuralgia on the right side.
He was rejected operation by some hospitals because of high risk.
We performed microvascular decompression after careful observation using 3D imaging, which lead to successful microvascular decompression.
Trigeminal Neuralgia Due to Red Vein Draining a Supratentorial Arteriovenous Malformation: Case Report.
Inoue T, Shima A, Hirai H, Suzuki F, Matsuda M.

case05.Trigeminal Neuralgia: Persistent primitive trigeminal artery (PTA)

A primitive trigeminal artery (PTA) is a rare anomalous artery that originates from the internal carotid artery. A variant type of PTA runs close to the trigeminal nerve and may cause trigeminal neuralgia.

The trigeminal nerve is compressed by the PTA at the REZ.

PTA penetrates the dura matter just beneath the trigeminal nerve.

case06.Trigeminal Neuralgia: Trigeminocerebellar artery (TCA)

The trigeminocerebellar artery (TCA) is rarely found compressing the trigeminal nerve. Transposition of the TCA requires a different transposition technique as it penetrates or winds around the trigeminal nerve.
Surgical Management of the Trigeminocerebellar Artery in Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia.
Goto Y, Inoue T.

The artery in pink is winding around the trigeminal nerve.

case07.Trigeminal Neuralgia : varix

56 F
Trigeminal neuralgia on the right side.
MRI revealed a mass lesion on the root of the right trigeminal nerve.
Successful microvascular decompression relieved her pain immediately after the operation.
Trigeminal Neuralgia due to an Isolated Cerebral Varix: Case Report.
Inoue T, Shima A, Hirai H, Suzuki F, Matsuda M.

case08.Trigeminal Neuralgia : bone anomaly

49 M
Very rare trigeminal neuralgia caused by bony compression on the nerve.
Severe facial pain on the right forced him to resign his job. Simulation using 3D skull base model was consistent with surgical findings.
The pain completely resolved and he was able to return to work.
Resection of the suprameatal tubercle in microvascular decompression for trigeminal neuralgia.
Inoue T, Goto Y, Prasetya M, Fukushima T.

case09.Trigeminal Schwannoma : Neuralgia caused by tumor

52 F
She underwent operation 10 years ago.
Her tumor recurred rapidly in these 3 months.
Sensory disturbance was present on the right side of her face. After complete removal, no neurological deterioration noted.

case10.Nervus Intermedius Neuralgia

A 36-year-old woman suffered from paroxysmal stabbing deep ear pain for more than 10 years. Preoperative MR imaging demonstrated a vascular loop coursing close to the brain stem between the seventh and eighth nerves. Microvascular decompression of the nerve relieved her neurological symptom immediately after the surgery.
Nervus Intermedius Neuralgia Treated with Microvascular Decompression: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Inoue T, Shima A, Hirai H, Suzuki F, Matsuda M.

case11.Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is similar electric-shock like pain like trigeminal neuralgia, which affects the deep throat area when swallowing. The glossopharyngeal nerve is compressed by arteries.

case12.Redo TGN Case 1 Excessive Teflon
三叉神経痛 再手術1 テフロンの入れすぎ

  • 59 M
    59才 男性
  • Lt. TGN V2,3
    左三叉神経痛 V2,3
  • CBZ 600mg
  • 3 years after the 1st MVD

Redo surgery for trigeminal neuralgia: reasons for re-exploration and long-term outcomes.
Inoue T, Shitara S, Goto Y, Prasetya M, Radcliffe L, Fukushima T.

case13.Redo TGN Case 2 Missing multiple compression
三叉神経痛 再手術2 圧迫血管の見逃し

  • 45 F / 45才男性
  • Rt. TGN, V3 / 右三叉神経痛
  • CBZ 800mg / カルバマゼピン800mg
  • 6 years after the 1st MVD
  • 1 year after GK
  • 他院で6年前MVD, 1年前ガンマナイフ

case14.Redo TGN Case 3 Narrow corridor
三叉神経痛 再手術3 狭い術野で減圧不十分

  • 49F / 49才女性
  • Rt. TGN, V2 / 右三叉神経痛
  • Mirogabalin 10mg / タリージェ10mg
  • 12 years after the 1st MVD / 他院手術後12年経過

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